What a great meet! While we were short a few of our more advanced players due to vacations, we still had a great turnout, including:

Hula Hoops!

Plenty of YoYoers!

And the worlds youngest Paul Yath fan!

Mr. Nathan Martsolf made his first appearance at the club in awhile, I hear it's hard getting out of the house with a newborn child. He brought with him some amazing new yoyos, it seems like every week he's got something new and different. His C3 Halo was what made an impression on me. It's over sized at around 57mm, but plays great. It even rivals my Cruicial/Turning Point delrin that I've been throwing religiously. I guess I've got a thing for plastics lately.
Our resident yoyo prodigy Tommy (6 years old), has been working on his offstring recently, so we set off to land Soloham (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ex69KDIL9-Y) tonight. He made some excellent progress and generally got around 5 revolutions. Not bad for a brand new trick!
Our newest member Conner made some huge progress on Boingy Boingy and Eli Hops, he also went home with a Duncan Hayabusa thanks to a trade from Joel. This kid is obsessed with offstring! He could be the next Ben Conde!
Don't forget, this Saturday The KCYYC has a demonstration/workshop at The Kansas Children's Discovery Center in Topeka! Word has it local celebrity and 2011 Kansas State YoYo Champion Jacob Deffenbaugh will be there to show off to his hometown crowd!
Over the next few days I will be starting a new feature on the blog: Great moments in Kansas City Yoyoing. We'll be covering some of the best things to happen to the scene in the past! Everything from Wind Wizards to the 2011 KS States. Check back!
Great Start to your Blog! Spreading the word about some good wholesome fun is a great thing.